Algorithm Design Book - Chapter 4[Exercises]
4.4 - Counting sort
4-11 Design an O(n) algorithm that, given a list of n elements, finds all the elements that appear more than n/2 times in the list. Then, design an O(n) algorithm that, given a list of n elements, finds all the elements that appear more than \(n/4\) times. We can get the solution using something similar to tetris Game. Credits: GoG. we can solve for any n/k in O(nk) time. Here is the intuition:
- create a temp array of size k-1
- iterate over the elements of the array. For each element add it into temp array and increment its count
- when the temp array is filled and a new element comes, delete the count of each entry in the temp array and ignore the element.
- follow the above steps till the end.
- now user needs to verify for each element y in temp, iterating over the array. to make sure each element occurs more than n/k times.
void moreThanNdK(int arr[], int n, int k)
// k must be greater than
// 1 to get some output
if (k < 2)
/* Step 1: Create a temporary
array (contains element
and count) of size k-1.
Initialize count of all
elements as 0 */
struct eleCount temp[k - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; i++)
temp[i].c = 0;
/* Step 2: Process all
elements of input array */
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int j;
/* If arr[i] is already present in
the element count array,
then increment its count
for (j = 0; j < k - 1; j++)
if (temp[j].e == arr[i])
temp[j].c += 1;
/* If arr[i] is not present in temp[] */
if (j == k - 1) {
int l;
/* If there is position available
in temp[], then place arr[i] in
the first available position and
set count as 1*/
for (l = 0; l < k - 1; l++)
if (temp[l].c == 0)
temp[l].e = arr[i];
temp[l].c = 1;
/* If all the position in the
temp[] are filled, then decrease
count of every element by 1 */
if (l == k - 1)
for (l = 0; l < k; l++)
temp[l].c -= 1;